
Lineriders is driven by technology and innovation. These are some of the Technologies we employ:

 Pipe Locating Only the newest and most accurate on the market, equipped for allowing for Geographical Information System (GIS) interfacing. Using drones and intuitive software, crews are able to produce

 detailed, near scale drawings for your work area on-site.

Electromagnetic Surveys – We conduct Electromagnetic (EM) surveys for environmental contamination identification, and plume migration monitoring. 

GPS Pipeline SurveysWith the most advanced field level data integration software/hardware combination, we are able to collect an unprecedented amount of data with a single pass over the line. 

Leak DetectionIn addition to our proprietary process, the leak detection side of the business is where we heavily invest in technology. We are one of the earliest adopters of OGI cameras in Canada. Lineriders has one of the first issued licenses required for possession of this technology. Currently we utilize both of the major manufactures, OpGal and FLIR. We embrace all major manufactures of ultrasonic and are pioneers in the use of ultrasonic imaging AI devices. Integral to any gas leak detection arsenal is Laser Methane Detection. Whether handheld sniffer style, or point and shoot style, we use them on the ground and in the air. 

UAV – Our drones help to create sketches on work sites, conduct volume surveys, and conducting laser/Infrared gas leak inspections on facilities and pipelines.